Friday, April 13, 2012

News About Making OXY Unabusable

I just read this news article, Scientists Work to Make Prescription Painkillers Unabusable.

Inside I want to scream, "IT'S ABOUT F'ING TIME!!!!!"

But, I am learning, today is better than tomorrow and being grateful for today is better for me than being angry about yesterday.


Bar L. said...

It sure is about f'ing time! Lets hope this happens ASAP and saves the next generation of would-be addicts.

Anonymous said...

I read the article, my issue is that they are just talking about making it so that it cannot be snorted, crushed, injected, etc. When my son was using oxys he never did any of that he just would take A LOT of them as did his friends. They would still be addictive taken orally and as we all unfortunately know it usually leads to heroin use because the addict cannot afford the high cost of the pills.

Gledwood said...

UK Valium and most other sleeping pills and tranquillizers have long been formulated in such a way that if crushed and wetted they simply turn into uninjectable mush. I can't comment on opiate pain pills as (surprising as it may seem) there simply isn't an oxycodone scene out here. In this country illicit opiates mean heroin and that's about it (might have something to do with having an NHS instead of private medicine... I don't know)... it always surprised me that American addicts said pain pills were easy to inject as pills over here have long been uninjectable. Ridiculous, I know!

Bryan Chambers said...

Great post!  I look forward to reading more of your writing in the future.

Brandi said...

As much as I hate to say this. Us addicts can come up with crazy ways. No pain pill will be "unuseable", addicts will just figure it out a different way.

From the article:Purdue Pharma, maker of OxyContin, released a new version of the drug two years ago that is resistant to crushing and cutting, common ways in which the drug was tampered with to enhance its effect.

Believe me when I say this did not stop me or anyone I sold to. I hate to admit this BUT when I sold these OxyContin that was "tamper resistant" I put a card in the bag with directions on how to "use" them be it injection or nasal. I do hate admitting that BUT it kinda shows the point I am trying to make.

BMelonsLemonade said...

I have ben reading about this a lot lately for RecoveryNowTV's news curation. Actually, in Canada, they quit making Oxycontin, and switched to something that is called "OxyNeo." It is supposed to be un-abusable, as well. Although, some experts think that an addict may find a way. The main problem they are seeing from this, though, is that there are more and more addicts going into serious withdrawal, without the abusable Oxy so readily available. The methadone clinics are now getting more and more clients, but also some people are turning to heroin because it is cheaper and easier to find. Although, I think it is about time that these drugs were impossible to snort or shoot, I also think that eradicating them could have some negative consequences on those already addicted. It will, probably, save many lives in the future.

house cleaner salt lake said...

Comes strange. I dont use it anyway.

Bristolvol said...

Ron, I have known about this for a while now, since I am very curious about this drug, because it is my daughter's drug of choice. The only thing I have heard is that it will drive users more toward heroin, if they can't use oxy the way they want to. They always seem to find a way to feed their cravings no matter what is done to prevent the abuse. It is sad...