Friday, August 28, 2009

Right Thing, Wrong Feelings

It has been a miserable week for me. In my head I know I did the right thing. But it has been a terrible struggle in my heart.


Anonymous said...

I am so feeling your pain. Been there. Done that. Getting ready to do it for theh LAST time. I hate that drug. It destroys everything in it's past.
Praying and thinking of both of you.

clean and crazy said...

this too shall pass. you are so much stronger then you feel. take care of yourselves, enjoy your grandbaby, spoil her if you need to you will feel better getting in some baby therapy. just a suggestion, my babies help me a lot, i wish they could stay just this size but as i said before this too shall pass and if i ignore them i will miss out on so many good things.

Her Big Sad said...

((Hug)) I hate that, when I know I've done the right thing.... but it hurts so much. Wishing you some peace in your soul this day.... and maybe a long ride this weekend to clear cobwebs and help ease your heart. I am so sorry. Thinking of you and mom today.

big Jenn said...

Hang in there dad. Love comes in many forms.jeNN

Unknown said...

It is indeed difficult to draw the line in the proverbial stand and say you can help no more. And it's painful to look at yourself and realize it's not in your control and giving it up to God. I have bene there with my son. Thank God (and I do, every day) asking him to leave our home and firmly resolving that he could live with us while doing drugs gave him the impetus to finally get sober. He has been sober for 14 months. I will keep you in my prayers.

The neverending battle of child's opiate addiction said...

Oh Lord how I know how you feel. I have been told to always see why I am "doing" something in response to my son. I know allowing him to stay with me is more for myself to ease my own fears. Allowing your son to move forward in his path is loving him, but it still hurts. I haven't quite gotten to that strength level yet, but sure am working on it. Hugs to you both!

Annette said...

Big Jenn said it perfectly. This stuff hurts.

Bar L. said...

You've been on my mind a lot this week. I can imagine some of what you are feeling. Knowing you did the right thing helps, but it sure doesn't take away the heart pain. I like the suggestion of getting some "baby therapy" nothing is more wonderful than a baby.

Chic Mama said...

Thinking of you...reading your blog reminded me to say the word, "No" I'd forgotten about it. So please take credit for indirectly helping another family. Take care.

Lou said...

You did the right thing. Try to look at the long view.

Unknown said...

I feel your pain...

Sometimes the right thing doesn't feel good, but it's still the right thing. Always remember in your heart, what you are doing is out of love.

Anonymous said...

Detaching is hard, detaching with love (for ourselves and the addict) even harder. Letting my alcoholic daughter find her way and watching her suffer/risk her life while doing so has been the hardest thing I've ever done. Hang in there. I've seen answers come from the least likely places and often at the darkest hour. Meanwhile take care of yourself and mom.

GG said...

I'm so sorry for your pain. I'm with big jeNN and others who say Hang in there.... I think you've done the right thing. No one said it would be easy or that it would necessarily feel good. Keep the love alive in your heart. Take good care of you.

Syd said...

Enabling only prolongs the misery of everyone. It hurts your heart but it also makes the head and heart work together. I know that I'm okay when my head and heart are on the same track.