Thursday, February 24, 2011

Celebrity Addiction

It is so sad to read and hear the things being said about celebrities that suffer from addiction.

People like Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, and countless others use their great talent to entertain us and bring joy and laughter into our lives. Larger than life but when the light shines brightly we see that they are human and can suffer the same trials and sickness as our sons and daughters.

We should remember that all of these people are someones child. There is a family hurting just as we hurt. They suffer the same lost feeling we feel and the path back is just as hard for those talented people as it is for our special children.

This isn't a celebrity lifestyle disease. This is the disease of addiction, it respects no one and no position.


Syd said...

So true. Thanks for your kind comment.

Bar L. said...

I agree. I think you and I both wrote about Lindsey during her last trial. The fact that she's a celebrity is doing her harm not good. People say she gets away with her drug use because of it and they are right, I think she would have had BETTER help SOONER if she was treated like everyone else and forced into the kind of rehab that resembles a true recovery program more than a luxurious resort. I feel really bad for her. Jail time, a solid rehab, community service, and accountability may have steered her in a different direction. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pain of having a child that suffers from addiction. My son's addiction is beer. He "experiemented" with drugs, too ... til he had an aneurism that the doctor said was brought on by the drugs. Fortunately, it was on the outside of the skull, so no damage was done. Scared my son into not using drugs anymore, but still likes the beer and gets wasted nearly every day! I keep going to Al-Anon and learning how to detatch with love and how to set boundaries with him. Boundaries are so important! He understands and respects my boundaries ... understands that I do it with love. I keep the door to communication open and let him know that I love him. I've learned to "love the person, hate the addiction" ... so important!

Dawn said...

So true Ron. The only difference is these folks probably have a little more money to spend on rehab than we do. They don't have to worry about what insurance will and won't pay for. I don't know of anyone that lives in Minnesota and has been able to afford to go to
Hazelden which, is located there and suppose to be one of the very best treatment centers.
This is a horrible disease no matter who you are. It's a hard thing for everyone involved.

Heather's Mom said...

I appreciate you mentioning this. It is something I have often thought about... especially when I hear the individual slammed in the media with no understanding of what they and their family are really going through.
God bless.

Rebecca said...

So true and thanks for posting. His story is very sad and I hate to see the media mocking him. How would they feel if he were their child? This disease impacts anyone and everyone and I just hope and pray that he does not die a tragic death at such a young age.

Erin said...

It is just so true Ron, it doesn't matter who you are, public figure, actor, actress, celebrity etc., this disease can strike anyone. I always feel bad for the parents when I see the bad press as I know there are many people who love these individuals and want them to get well.

Tori said...

I get so sick of the media and other people making crude comments about Celebrities that are addicts. Money aside, they struggle like our addicts do and their families struggle just as much. Yes they can go to the nicest rehabs out there but if they aren't ready to be clean it doesn't matter. Would I rather stay at Ritz Carlton? Of course but Motel 6 will do if that is what my budget allows. When I read comments on my FaceBook about how sick people are about hearing about someone's addiction is saddens me and makes me realize why I don't like a lot of people to know.

Anonymous said...

Amen. I saw the clip of Charlie Sheen's interview tonight. It reminds me so much of my son. He may appear cocky to some but I see bipolar signs, without a doubt. He appears to me to be a bipolar and addicted to drugs. He is sick and not intentionally hurting others, IMO.

Anonymous said...

No one in their "right mind" would want to live that way.