Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Satisfying Feeling

Today when I went to speak at the school I ask the teacher, "Does it really help when I talk?"

Her response is that she has learned not to make a lesson plan for the next day except to allow class discussion about my presentation.  The students drive the discussion about my talk and all of their personal experiences. They share experiences and they comfort fellow students that are experiencing things in their life and family. She said her classes and discussions after the talks on Tuesday were unbelievable this morning. Students amazed her with their observations, questions and open discussions.

That is satisfying for me to know.

ps., I guess one measure of performance is after I spoke today I had several kids lined up to shake my hand and thank me for talking to them. Even if the message doesn't work it shows there are some polite kids going to that school.  lol


Joy said...

I read your blog each time you post. Today, on a day I'm struggling with hope, this post gives me hope.

I have hope for those kids you spoke to today. And it seems like that sparks some hope in me for my kid.

Thank you for sharing.

Annette said...

Bless your heart Ron. Thanks for going and speaking to those kids.

Momma said...

Thank you for doing what you do.

Cathy | Treatment Talk said...

Hi Ron,

It is amazing what you are doing and you seem to feel so comfortable in that role, helping students and sharing your experiences. When you share your darkest moments with others, people listen. Thank you for all that you are doing and know that your message is being heard. Remember how in high school, one class would drift into another - I'm sure your talks make the students sit up and listen no matter what their situation.

Bar L. said...

WOW! That says it all! You ROCK, Ron. You are making a difference, please keep this up!

(okay check this out - somehow your blog was deleted from my reader! I just noticed. I have missed 6 posts!I will catch up now.)