Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Few Early Sunday Morning Random Thoughts

At times I find myself talking and thinking about addiction as an actual thing not as a condition or disease. I think of it in a first person sense. It's almost as if I allow it to become the person. I allow myself to give over a person to a condition and that makes the person less of a person and elevates a disease to more.

I am guilty of allowing addiction to define my son. I am the worst offender. There was a time I interchanged "my son" and "my addict". That was not meant as being disrespectful it was just a statement of fact or condition at the time.

When was the last time we heard a parent refer to their child with cancer or diabetes as their cancer kid or their diabetic?

Changing subject, suboxone or methadone is controversial even in the recovery community. How many of you have heard someone say, "If they are using suboxone then they aren't really clean"? Many times we think of suboxone or other treatments even 12 step programs as something addicts should or could be weaned from after a period of time. Yep, guilty here of these thoughts too. But yet, I would never ask a parent or think that a child with diabetes should be weaned off of insulin. I would never think of an adult diabetic as weak because they still treat their disease with another chemical. When someone has heart disease do we chastise them when they eat healthy and exercise? "Oh it's OK, you haven't had an "episode" for years, why don't you just give up that healthy lifestyle? This health kick is like a religion to you." It's not our place to judge. What works for one my not be the best for all. What works is what works.

Final thoughts, we had a mini-Alex spend the night with us last night. Friday night we had Brooke and Owen, last night we had Tyler. A weekend of grandkids. Great visits but I know why women's baby makers shut down at a certain age. Raising babies when you are in your mid-fifties seems a lot harder then when you are in your 20's and early 30's. But, I wouldn't trade the smiles and non-stop activity for anything in the world. Tyler is a mini-Alex. His mannerisms are just like Alex when he was that age. He is very inquisitive and a boy that loves being loved. Like wanting to sit right next to you when watching a movie or grabbing your finger and taking you to the door when he wants to play outside on the swing set.

Here is mom getting camera happy while Ty and I were chilling and watching the movie Brave last night. Alex would sit just like this while he watched Bambi, his favorite movie at that age.


DDD said...

"It's not our place to judge. What works for one my not be the best for all. What works is what works."


Sounds like you had a great weekend with your grandchildren! That's wonderful!

♥●• İzdihër •●♥ said...

Your posts are always inspiring.

v. paulson said...

Enjoy those grandbabies!They sure can keep you busy! I too have been guilty of referring to my son as the addict. It helps explain the reason why I am raising my granddaughter at the age of 51. I find it also opens the door and people start telling you their story of a loved one who also suffers from drug abuse.Unfortunately,this is a wide spread disease.There are no easy answers.

Bar L. said...

This photo is awesome! I love that he's sitting like that, he looks like a little man. You are really blessed!

Thanks for what you said here about addiction and especially about Suboxone. My son is using it and I am glad because its the only time he's been able to not use in all these years. If it keeps him off heroin, then I don't care what anyone says. He will eventually b slowly withdrawn off it under his doctor's care. Until then I think it gave him his life back.

Anonymous said...

Adorable picture, great post!

Anonymous said...

You can't know how timely, and just how helpful reading this post was. Thank you!

SOBERBOOK said... is a safe, anonymous place where ALL people can tell their stories without having to attach a name or face to the words. It is here that you will see chapters about finding recovery, overcoming obstacles, mending relationships, achieving happiness, following dreams, and much more. The goal for is to create a community of support, camaraderie, and hope for the future.