Friday, February 3, 2017


Again, I get an email from a teacher asking if I have time to speak with his classes about my story.

Every school I visit the teachers tell me of the fear they have for their students. Stories that kids have related to them and the help students have reached out and ask for help to help them through terrible situations. The teachers want a way to help guide their students.

Stories come back to me from the teachers after I speak about the impression I had on their kids. They, like me cling to that hope we help them to make a good decision.

I dream of the time when a young person is faced with that choice to try something, words flash in their mind of a speaker they heard in class. I dream of a student confiding in a teacher or adult that they were presented with a choice and they did the right thing. Not because they might get caught, but because it was the right thing to do.

Even if you aren't teacher or a public speaker. Please take the time to tell a young person you are there for them. It's easy to believe in someone, it's more important to have someone believe in you. Think about what means to a young person or to yourself.

When any of us look around hopefully we see outstretched hands. Grasp a hand. We all need them sometime.

Teachers, a special message for you. 

Thank You for what you do and the hands you have outstretched to all those hungry students. I believe in you and what you do!!! 

(teachers, please share what you are doing in your class or with students. experiences you have had. the more we share the smarter and better we all become.)


Unknown said...

Thank you for your post. My husband is a teacher and I showed him what you wrote. He said that we all need to spread the words because indeed, children are influenced by many factors that do not allow them to make the choice regarding substances.

Brooke said...

Thank you for this heartfelt post. Teachers are sometimes the first line of defense when parents can't be there to stop their children from making bad decisions. Anti Drug campaigns in schools have done a great service to deal with the issue of drug addiction facing kids today. If you don't mind, I'd like to share some anti drug slogans: Anti Drug Slogans