Friday, January 17, 2014

Another Mother's Son

Here is another mother writing. Please give her a visit. No one is alone in this.

Hands Full of Tears


Al's Mom said...

Thanks friend... it helps to know I'm not alone.

Unknown said...

I know the pain just less than 48 hours ago I took my sons drugs and hide them it resulted in him attacking me I called 911. I held on to his legs to hold him till the police arrived. He tried to break my neck and he beat me in the head with a hammer but I never let go. He is in jail and blames me. I am lost and have so many emotions I am numb. I know this was not my child it was the drugs... Lost everything mom

Anonymous said...

You have been an absolute godsend.

Anon. Cleveland, Oh.

Unknown said...

I'm finding blogging helps me too during these dark days worrying about my son and wondering how we got here...

My Blog Address